Blog Response And Learner Response

WWW: You’ve made a really good start to A Level Media both in terms of contributions in lessons and the work on your blog – well done! You’ve chosen some excellent, relevant texts that have helped to explore the theories and the terminology we have learned – I particularly like the International Women’s Day advert.

EBI: There are two key areas that stand out for your progress going forward. Firstly, you need to focus on improving the depth and detail of your media analysis – and particularly your use of media terminology. In the ‘Reading an image’ tasks (RBK advert) you don’t use a lot of the terminology we learned in that lesson and this is a vital aspect of Media Studies, particularly at A Level.

Secondly, as you say yourself when reflecting on the media consumption audit, you need to broaden your consumption of media texts. Read a good quality newspaper regularly (online version is fine), watch a range of interesting TV and film that you may not have watched previously and try to listen to the radio or podcasts when you can. It really does make the difference between A*-B grades and below.

LR: Reflect on your work in A Level Media so far. 

What is your strongest piece of work? 

 Overall I think my strongest piece of work is the semiotics post. This is because I understood the topic best. My analysis and inference was strong and I was able to explain the texts effectively.

What is your weakest?

I think my weakest piece of work was the ' migrain reading a text' post. This is because my analysis wasn't in depth enough and I didn't use enough media terminology. I think this is because the text I chose wasn't great as it didn't have many aspects that I could analyse which made my response weak.

 What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course? 

Over the rest of the course I need to develop the amount of detail I put into my analysis and the depth I go into. I also need to make sure i'm constantly using media terminology to improve the standard and level of my work.


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