Semiotics: Icon, Index& Symbol

Icon: Image result for dog

Index:Image result for wifi sign

Symbol:Image result for alphabet

1)Why are icons and indexes so important in media texts?
Because they help people understand things, like signs, adverts and posters. They are universal things that the majority of the population will be able to understand.
2) Why might global brands try and avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing?
Because symbols are only known by people if they've been taught through culture or religion. For example someone will only know Roman Numerals if they have been taught it. It is the same with the alphabet. Without being taught it(usually due to your country, religion and culture) you will not be able to understand and interpret it.
3) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) where the producer has accidentally communicated the wrong meaning using icons, indexes or symbols. Why did the media product fail?

Image result for bic international women's day
This advert clearly failed. The advert as a whole appears to be sending out good messages about equality and no racial discrimination, however the symbol causes problems and makes the whole media text fail. The statement 'look like a girl act like a lady think like a man work like a boss' gives out the impression that women do not have their own freedom or minds. It suggests that women should try to be like men. This advert makes women look inferior to men and downgrades them massively.

4)Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) that successfully uses icons or indexes to create a message that can be easily understood across the world.
Image result for international women's day 2017 advert
This advert is extremely successful. The use of the icons help share the idea of equality. By having a mixture of women and men from different ethnic backgrounds, united by holding hands shows that women are just as important as men. This icon of men and women has been used as the majority of the world will be able to identify what message the advert is trying to get across. This is beneficial because then the poster could be shared in numerous countries. However the symbols(writing) may cause issues with non English speaking people as they haven't been taught the language so they wouldn't be able to understand the whole poster.


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